Digital Transformation Apps

What are Digital Transformation Apps?

We have developed bespoke apps to help customers get the maximum use out of their products. These apps help customers enhance the functionality of some of our products. We have vast capabilities and are open to ideas if there is a certain requirement for any of our customers needs.


About the PLMc Digital Transformation Apps

We have developed bespoke apps to help customers get the maximum use out of their products. Some are Parameter & Part Number Generator App (P&P Generator) whilst others are Auto Windchill Doc Fillers, which have automated many of our user processes and helps in user adoption of systems.

PLMc apps

Parameter & Part Number Generator App

For the clients who need to generating part numbers that are driven from Creo – This app caters to your needs and helps designers work seamlessly. This app generates a unique part number, which allows for easy differentiation, for any enterprise. There are two components to this app: the client-side and the server-side.

number Generator app


Configurable apps developed by PLM Central to facilitate bi-directional integration between Windchill and ERP/MRP/CRM systems. Ideal for integrating systems like Sage, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, SalesForce, Microsoft Business Central, Oracle NetSuite’s, etc…

number Generator app

Auto Windchill Doc Filler

For documents which follow a template and require object parameters from Windchill, this app can automate the process.

Windchill doc filler